frequently asked questions

Most questions may be answered with product instructions.

But for the most frequently asked questions, check below to see if yours may be answered.

If you still have questions, please feel free to contact me.

How often should I feed my plants?

All vitamin solutions are designed to be used every time you water. The frequency of watering depends on the type of plant, the type of planter, and environmental factors such as amount of sunlight, humidity, and time of year. The only way to know for sure is to feel the soil about 1/3 the way down into the planter and check moisture levels.

Can I use the vitamin solutions with other fertilizers like Liqui-Dirt, Noot, Superthrive…etc?

Because the vitamin solutions are a complete blend of all micro-and macronutrients as well as essential vitamins and carbohydrates, it is designed to replace all other plant supplements, nutrients, or fertilizers. 

Can I combine multiple Outside of Eden products?

As a general rule, do not combine auxin and cytokinin hormones as they compete with each other, preventing you from seeing the optimal benefits. I like to use the all purpose vitamin solution alongside the foliar spray as my base routine. If a plant needs specific help such as rooting, I will switch to the rooting elixir and stop the all purpose and the foliar spray until my plant’s roots are at their desired length.

What is the difference between the stem vitamin solution and the foliar spray?

The stem vitamin solution is a complete fertilizer as well as utilizing the stem growth properties of the cytokinin hormone. The foliar spray contains the stem growth hormone cytokinin and is not a fertilizer. The foliar spray is absorbed quicker by the leaves of the plant than by the roots and you will see results quickly, but root application is more efficient in utilizing nutrients over the long-run. Basically, the foliar spray is a supplemental growth booster whereas the stem solution is a continuous routine. 

Can I over-feed my plants?

Yes, if you do not follow the recommended dosing, you can over fertilize your plants. Remember a little goes a long way!

I see white, floating clumps in my vitamin solutions. What are they and Is it still ok to use?

Because of the high nutrient content and little preservatives, sometimes impurities appear in plant nutrients causing solutions to cloud or mold. This is normal and harmless, similar to the white, fluffy mold seen on soil after fertilization. 

To avoid such a nuisance, keep bottles in the coldest location in your fridge. Remove any white clumps and add few drops of hydrogen peroxide. 

How long do the vitamin solutions keep?

All vitamin solutions should be used within one month. Our plant nutrients are blends of natural & organic ingredients and should be thought as perishable food like you consume and store in the fridge. 

If I’m using the rooting vitamin elixir for water propagation, how often do I change and replace the water?

Change the water completely every few days or if it looks cloudy. When changing, rinse the container with hydrogen peroxide first, and then replace water containing the recommended amount of the rooting vitamin elixir. To change the water less often, use a large containing for propagation. 

How often should I use the paste?

Use the cloning paste 1-2X per week. Sometimes just one application is enough to jumpstart sufficient bud growth and no further applications are required. 

Where should I apply the paste?

The cloning paste should be placed on the topmost node. Use the paste on one node at a time per plant. You will probably see lower nodes being activated even without the paste being directly applied there. 

Can I use the cloning paste on unrooted plants?

No, the paste should be used once your cutting is already rooted. The hormone cytokinin in the cloning paste competes with the rooting hormone auxin and will prevent roots from growing.

Can I use the cloning paste with other Outside of Eden products?

Do not use the paste while using the rooting elixir or the rooting powder. The paste can be used alongside the foliar spray, the all purpose vitamin solution, and the stem vitamin solution. 

What is the difference between the rooting powder and the rooting vitamin elixir?

You will choose which rooting product to use depending on your propagation method. The concentrations between the two products are different and are designed specifically for that propagation method. 

Can I use the rooting powder in a hydroponic setup or with water propagation?

No. Firstly, adding the rooting powder to water will dissolve the auxin hormone and will no longer be at the optimal concentration. Secondly, the “powder” part does not dissolve in water and will leave white residue on your cutting and propagation container. 

Am I able to just dip my plant into the rooting powder tube?

No. Due to contamination issues, it’s never a good idea to stick your cutting into the stock tube but rather transfer a bit of powder to a separate container and dip your plant in there. Do not return the powder to the stock tube afterwards. 

When should I switch to the winter nutrient solution?

Generally, from October to March should be the time frame to use the winter nutrient solution. However, due to different climates, you can go by your plant’s growth. If your plant slows its growth, then switch to the winter nutrient solution and stop once your plant begins to actively grow again.

My plant is still growing even though it’s winter. Do I need to switch to the winter nutrient solution?

Yes. Even if your plant is still growing and does not go dormant, its always a good idea to have a rest period for the plant to focus on strengthening its roots.